Metamorphosis - Research

Drama – A Level - Research
Metamorphosis was originally a Novel written by Franz  Kafka and later adapted by Steven Berkoff into a theatrical play. The play is (in my view) about the way people take advantage of others and treat them like the lowest form of life, such as a dung Beatle which is why Gregor, the main character in the story, is changed into a bug. Not because he had actually become a bug  but it’s a representation of how he is seen (by his own family) (and by society) as nothing more than an insect.

This is fine but needs more detail - who do the family represent? What themes and issues are present? What does it say to us today?

Steven Berkoff:
Steven was born 3rd August 1937 in Stepney. Berkoff is best known for his role in the James Bond film ‘Octopussy’. Berkoff is an Actor, Writer and director. One of his most famous plays is an adaptation of Franz Kafka’s novel – Metamorphosis. He has appeared in many TV shows and has (like Metamorphosis) adapted previous novels into plays.

Franz Kafka:
Franz was born on 3rd July 1883 in Prague and was a German Speaking Jew. Franz was the eldest of Six Children and studied at Deutsche Knabenschule which was a boy’s school.  He loved to write and hated his first job as a ‘InsuranceOfficer’ and he didn’t have enough time to write.
He wrote several novel which include:Die Verwandlung’, ‘Der Process’, ‘Das Schloss’, ‘Betrachtung’, ‘Ein Hungerkünstler’ and ‘Briefe an Felice’.  Franz died of tuberculosis in 3 June 1924.

Meaning of Key words from the play:
A small figure of a person operated from above with strings by a puppeteer.  Good.
Relating to or characteristic of or according to the rules of counterpoint.  Good.


Total Theatre:

Stephen Berkoff (who adapted the play ‘Metamorphosis’) created a theatrical technique known as Total Theatre. Total Theatre is where every movement is minutely choreographed to create a stage picture without the use of props or detailed scenery. This is the total opposite to Naturalistic theatre as the performance is removed from reality. This creates an almost ‘Sarcastic’ feel to the play as the characters don’t mean what they say and do.

Mise-en-scène or when translated into English, ‘Placing on stage’, is everything you seen on stage or in a film. It’s the costumes, the set, the lights, props, costume, actors ect. All of these things must be carefully created and used to give the setting, theme and tone of the play. For example, if you had a bright colorful set for a stage version of Macbeth; it simply isn’t going to work. These decision are made by the production team and finalized by the director – the director has the last say on everything.

Where is the rest of the research on Total Theatre? Berkoff quotes and explanations?

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